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Goldshell Zone FAQ

If you encounter login failure, follow these steps:

  1. Reset your miner password to the default "123456789."
  2. Once successfully connected, you can modify the password as needed.


  1. enter your miner password to Goldshell Zone >> Miner Setting >> account setting >> miner password
  2. make sure the password in the miner dashboard and Goldshell Zone >> account settings >> miner password is consistent

This should resolve the issue and allow your miner to connect to Goldshell Zone.

This is normal. When you delete an online miner, it will reappear in the list after approximately one minute. Similarly, if you delete an offline miner, it will reappear in the list once the miner comes back online.
If you wish to remove a miner from your account, you can do so by deleting it in Goldshell Zone/Hub platform and also deleting the corresponding key in the miner dashboard while disabling cloud control.

If you are unable to scan miners, please check if your mobile device and the miner are on the same network.

Place both devices on the same network and then try scanning again. 


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