Knowledge Base  >  Order FAQ  >  Order status

Order status

Order Status                                                                   Meaning
Processing You have placed your order successfully. Please wait for your tracking number to be updated.
On Hold Your order is processing right now. Please wait for your tracking number to be updated. 
Failed Two reasons might cause a failed order:

  1. Underpayment from you
  2. Delayed payment

To solve this situation, please submit the ticket. Goldshell representative will reach you back within 48 hours.

Cancelled If the system fails to confirm your payment within 1 hour after the order enters the "Pending Payment" status, the order will be canceled. 

In case of a payment anomaly, if you complete the payment after 1 hour and our receiving wallet confirms the payment, the official website's system will not automatically change the order status. Orders in the "Cancelled" status will not be processed actively. 

To solve this situation, please submit the ticket. Goldshell representative will reach you back within 48 hours.

Confirmed This status is used as the proofment of your after-sale payment. 

Please contact after-sale team with your order number to move to the next step once you finished the payment.

NOTE: Your after-sale tracking number will not updated here.

Waiting Once you are underpaid and need to pay for the remaining amount, we will send the link to you and wait for your payment. During that time period, the status will shown as "Waiting".

Goldshell official shop will update your tracking number in 7-10 business days. Please refer to our product page for the latest shipping date.

If you haven’t received your tracking number after 10 business days, please go to Submit a request and select “Shipping” to fill out the tickets. Goldshell staff will contact you within 48 hours.

'On hold' is because your order status used to be ‘Failed'/'Cancelled'. Goldshell representative has confirmed your payment. The order status will change manually to 'On Hold'. During this time, your order is processing right now. Please wait for your tracking number to be updated.

There are the meaning of these two order statuses:

Canceled: Once the order is created and we haven’t received your payment within one hour, your order will be canceled automatically. Please DO NOT make a second payment to a canceled order.

Failed: The delayed payment or underpayment will lead to a failed payment

You will receive an email with a link to pay for the remaining amount from a Goldshell representative if necessary.


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