Knowledge Base  >  Order FAQ  >  Shipping


You can expect to receive your package within an average of 10-15 business days.
Please be patient during this period. If you haven't received your package after 20 business days, please Submit the ticket for further assistance.

If your destination country has been banned due to reasons beyond our control, such as government policies or local customs regulations, we may not be able to ship your package. However, if you still wish to proceed with the shipment of your package, please Submit a request. Goldshell members will reach back shortly.
NOTE: Goldshell won't take responsibility for your losses once you choose to ship the miners to a suspended country.

Please check your local customs regulations and declare an appropriate value for your package.
NOTE: If we are unable to ship the package with the declared value, we reserve the right to declare the original value on your behalf.

We offer multiple shipping options for our customers, like UPS/DHL/FEDEX.
However, the final decision rests with us based on delivery time and warehouse availability.
NOTE: If our previous shipping partners have experienced loss of packages, international logistics may become uncontrollable. Your provided shipping preferences are for reference purposes only.

We are unable to change your shipping address once the order has been placed.
Therefore, we kindly request that you double-check and confirm your shipping address before submitting your order details to ensure that there are no errors or problems that may arise in the future.

We will provide free shipment service through third-party logistics services.
We are not responsible for the transportation problems caused by the following situations:

  • Delivery delays due to queuing issues in the logistics warehouse.
  • We will publish an announcement on Twitter and Discord.
  • The product was lost during transportation.

Once your product has been handed to a third-party logistics agent, you will receive a tracking number.
During this time, there is no available information for shipping (Only shown as [Shipment Information Received/Label created]) which means the third-party logistics agent is processing your package.
Normally this process will take up to 5-7 business days. Once finished, you will receive real-time shipping updates.
If your order hasn’t update after 7 business days, please submit a request. Goldshell staff will contact you within 48 hours.


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